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Cookout is the biggest annual event of the University of the Philippines Cebu where UP students showcase their talents in order to raise awareness about a cause or to bring attention to a relevant social issue in the Philippines.

The UP Cookout started as a celebration for the ouster of a former dean in 1987, the UP Cookout serves as a reminder of the students’ victory over the plan of the dean to abolish the Student Council. It was a culmination of the many years of struggle against authoritative oppression.

The Cookout started as a simple, intimate gathering of the UP Cebu community. Students actually cooked food and discussed politics. It gradually evolved to a huge production complete with stage, sounds, and lights.

(c) zerothreetwo


From UP Cookout facebook page

For the following event, Fine Arts Student Organization decide to create their own unique T-Shirts design for the festival. Designs were gathered for voting.



Graphic Design, 2015

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